PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

soxspipe 0.10.2 A python package and command-line tools to The data-reduction pipeline for the SOXS instrument 2024-04-23 13:31:00
torch-trandsforms 0.3.6 A pytorch-first transform library for ND data, such as multi-channel 3D volumes 2024-04-23 09:28:23
carabiner-tools 0.0.2 Useful utilities. 2024-04-23 08:52:32
cfunits 3.3.7 A python interface to UNIDATA's UDUNITS-2 package with CF extensions 2024-04-23 07:54:45
vietfin 0.2.0 Python package to fetch Vietnam stock market data 2024-04-22 00:20:07
cdp-patches 1.0.1 Patching CDP (Chrome DevTools Protocol) leaks on OS level. Easy to use with Playwright, Selenium, and other web automation tools. 2024-04-20 18:45:10
corecon 1.4 an open collection of constraints on the Epoch of Reionization 2024-04-20 17:36:12
daggre 0.1.1 A convenience layer on top of `dagre-d3` (`dagre-d3-es`). 2024-04-16 03:32:45
catalystcoop.ferc-xbrl-extractor 1.4.0 A tool for extracting data from FERC XBRL Filings. 2024-04-15 01:15:08
seastate 0.2.1 Collect ocean measurements for location and timeframe. Integrates NDBC and TidesAndCurrents datasources. 2024-04-14 14:24:27
django-analytics-simple 2024.0.9 Django Analytics simple is a package designed to facilitate tracking and analysis of data in Django web applications 2024-04-12 07:42:19
sentralify 1.2.6 Scrape Sentral data and use it! 2024-04-11 20:49:32
minecraft-data-py 1.0.0 A Python package to access Minecraft data 2024-04-11 18:35:30
snowflake-deployer 0.1.26 Snowflake state based deployer 2024-04-11 05:00:04
recognizer 1.4 🦉Gracefully face reCAPTCHA challenge with ultralytics YOLOv8-seg, CLIPs VIT-B/16 and CLIP-Seg/RD64. Implemented in playwright or an easy-to-use API. 2024-04-10 18:51:50
hidebound 0.34.0 A MLOps framework for generating ML assets and metadata. 2024-04-10 00:52:26
sgen 1.0.2 Generating test data structures 2024-04-08 08:27:28
cancer_data 0.3.6 Preprocessing for various cancer genomics datasets 2024-04-07 16:59:00
statstables 0.0a1 A package for making custom LaTeX and HTML statistical tables 2024-04-06 21:53:04
Tree.Network 0.0.1 Fast implementation of trees from the mathematics of graphs 2024-04-06 18:50:28
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